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Just For Fun

Crying On The Golf Course




Golf is a fascinating, frustrating and interesting sport. And anyone who has played this game for a while has their share of stories, anecdotes and tale that they like to share.

Here is one of mine…

Golfers can be quite fanatical about their game. And some will do anything to get in an extra round of play. Several years ago, I was enjoying a beautiful day on a local golf course. I was playing pretty well as I had three pars on the first three holes. For me, this was a nice start as the first few holes at this course are pretty challenging.

When I got to the fourth hole, however, I was a bit surprised and shocked. In fact, I had to do a double take. I was setting up over the ball when I heard what I thought was a baby crying. It sounded like it was the noise that a very young infant might make.

My first thought was “this can not possibly be happening.” I looked over at the adjacent tee box and it appeared that the crying sounds were coming from a cart next to that tee. I walked over to cart and saw a baby in the basket in the back of the golf cart. This basket is usually used for head covers, beer and other golf equipment.

The baby seemed safe and was protected with a pillow and a few small blankets. The father was walking over to comfort the child as I approached the cart. The dad, with a smile on his face, explained that he loved golf and that he told his wife a white lie. He apparently said that he would be at the park with the baby so the two of them could enjoy this beautiful day. I told him that I knew cell phones were not allowed on the course, but that I was not sure about infants.

I told my fellow golfer that the baby was adorable and I encouraged him and the little guy to have a great day and a great round of golf. You really can not make this stuff up.

(Cover Photo Credit)

Jay P. Granat, Ph.D. was named one of America’s Top Mental Gurus by Golf Digest Magazine. Dr. Granat has developed many self-help programs for golfers including How To Lower Your Golf Score With Sport Psychology and Self Hypnosis, How To Putt In The Zone and How To Get Into TheZone With Sport Psychology. He has appeared in major media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, The Executive Golfer, The Iowa Golfer And Good Morning America. You can get his products or talk to him by visiting

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