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Golf Instruction

Instruction: Stop Hitting the Ball Fat! Simple Drill for Better Ball-Striking!




This week’s instructional series episode is a quick one – but it’s one of my favorite drills for better ball-striking!

I call it the towel drill. It forces you to transfer your weight to your lead side, hold your lag for longer, and hit ball first then ground. It’s worked wonders for my students, and I hope it helps you too!

The videos in this series, for the most part, won’t be too long. Many online coaches have 10-12 minutes videos that really only need to be 3-4 minutes long. I’m not here to waste your time. Ironically enough though, I do an introduction at the beginning of this video to bring you through who I am, my credentials, and what to expect. 

Feel free to DM me on the Twilight 9 IG if you have any questions about the video!


I grew up in southern New Hampshire, where I first fell in love with the game of golf. I started by just going out and messing around with my buddies and focusing purely on having a good time! I never took golf seriously until I moved down to Tampa, FL to attend the University of South Florida. Go Bulls! At the start of my junior year I got a job working as a cart boy at a local private country club. This is when I started to focus on golf becoming my career. During the fall of my senior year, I turned from a 14 handicap, to a 2. I passed the PAT scoring test my first try and haven't looked back.

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